Our Phone Number is 360.362.1722
Hello! We are Joe's Gaming & Electronics. We offer repairs, parts, and repair education via our YouTube Channel and Written Repair Guides.
It has come to our attention that someone is using our old number to scam people out of money. If you call them at 201.898.5637 they will pretend to be us and ask you to send them money via Venmo, PayPal, or another service. WE WILL NEVER ASK YOU TO SEND US MONEY VIA AN APP. WE WILL ONLY SEND YOU A CHECKOUT LINK AFTER YOU HAVE CONFIRMED YOUR REPAIR COST WITH US AND THE REPAIR HAS BEEN COMPLETED.
We appreciate you trusting us with the repair of your device and would hate for you to be scammed by someone. If you are unsure about the payment option, send us an email to Support@JoesGE.com to confirm the details of your payment.
The JoesGE Team