Playstation 4 PS4 Pro Fan Replacement

Is your Playstation overheating and shutting down half an hour into your game play? Replacing the fan, or even just cleaning out the dust from the inside of your console will likely fix this problem. If your fan has stopped working, this guide shows you how to replace it. 



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Repair Difficulty: Moderate

Time to complete: 1-2 hours

The tools and parts that you will need for this repair:

      1. A Replacement Fan.
      2. T8 Screwdriver 
      3. A Small Phillips Screwdriver 
      4. Some Precision Tweezers (In case you drop screws into tight spaces in the console)
      5. Anti-Static Parts Organizer Mat (Recommended, not required)
      6. A rag that can get thermal paste on it
      7. Some rubbing alcohol




1. Remove the top housing

Lift from the center under the topmost ridge in the front of the console until it pops out of the connectors then, move to the corners and lift until you hear a pop. It might be easier to Watch This Part in the video. The cover should be loose and you can carefully slide it forward and off of the console.

Lift from the center

Lift from the corners.


2. Remove the Exterior Screws

There are 3 screws that you will need to remove from the back of the console. One of them is covered by a plastic cover. Remove the cover by pulling it up and away from the back of the console like so. (It could also be helpful to Watch This Part in the Video).

Removing the latch door that covers the 3rd screw 


With the cover removed, you can unscrew the 3 black screws at the back of the console. 

Remove the 3 screws on the back of the Playstation


3. Remove the Bottom Case

Start by popping up the left side of the case, then the right side, then the center. It would likely be very helpful to tune into the Video for this part as well. 

Popping up the left side of the top case

Popping up the right side of the top case

Lifting the top case in the center 


4. Unplugging the many cables

Flip the console over and remove the 3 antenna wires by gently pulling them straight up and away from their connectors.

Removing 3 antenna cables

Removing the cables from the motherboard


Next, disconnect all of the ribbon cables and fan plug from the motherboard.

All of the ribbon cables connections

The large ribbon on the bottom right comes loose after you flip up the latch on the connector with your finger nail. 

Lifting the latch on the large ribbon cable


The rest of the ribbon cables and the fan plug can be removed by gently pulling them out of the sockets.

Sliding the rest of the cables out of their sockets.



5. Removing the Heatsink

Unscrew the single screw that holds the hard drive in place, then remove the hard drive. (Remember what orientation that hard drive was in so that it is easier to put back in later). 

Removing the screw that holds the hard drive in place


Remove all 11 of the T8 screws from the silver heatsink.

Removing the 11 T8 Screws


Remove the 11 black Phillips head screws from the heatsink. 

Removing 11 black Phillips head screws


Remove the metal heatsink slowly, making sure that no wires catch on it as you lift it away from the console. 

Removing the heatsink


Remove the 8 Phillips head screws from the smaller heatsink shield and lift it away from the motherboard using your tweezers.

Lifting the heatsink with tweezers

The heatsink is loose


Remove the 4 screws that hold the heatsink in place then remove it and the plastic piece underneath it. 

Removing the 4 screws that hold the heat sink in place

Removing the plastic piece


6. Remove the Power Supply

Remove the 5 screws that hold the power supply in place from the top. 

Remove the 5 screws that secure the power supply into its place 


Similarly to removing the top case, start by popping one side of the power supply up with your hands, then the other side. Once again, it might be helpful to see this part in Video Form. **There is a wire attached to the power supply. Once you have the power supply popped out, do not pull it entirely away from the console. 

Lifting the left side of the power supply

lifting the right side of the power supply 


Disconnect the wire that is attached to the main board by gently pulling it straight up and out from the motherboard. 

Unplugging the power supply wire


7. Getting to the Fan

Flip the console over so that the motherboard is facing upwards. At this point, it will be loose, so make sure to hold it when you flip over the console. 

Then, gently remove the motherboard, making sure that it does not snag any wires as you remove it. 

Removing the motherboard 


Remove the 2 screws that hold the large metal heatsink in place. 

Removing the 10 screws that hold the metal heatsink in place 


Remove the heatsink and clean out any dust that might be clogging it. 

Checking the heatsink for dust




8. Replacing the Fan

Remove the 2 screws that hold the fan in place then lift the fan out of the console. 

Removing the fan screws

If your fan just needs to be cleaned out, but still spins freely, clean your fan. If the fan does not spin and coast for a short period of time, it needs to be replaced. 

Testing the fan for spin.


9. Reassemble the Motherboard

Secure the new fan into its place with the 2 screws then, clean the thermal paste off of the heatsink using a rag.

Removing the old thermal paste


Wipe the heatsink surface down with some rubbing alcohol on your rag. 

Cleaning the heatsink surface with rubbing alcohol


Place the heatsink back into the console, being careful not to damage any ribbon cables or plugs then, replace the 2 screws that hold it in place.

Putting the heatsink back into its place


Clean the thermal past off of the processor on the motherboard using your rag. Be very gentle when cleaning on and around the processor. If there are chunks of dried thermal paste around the CPU, use your tweezers to carefully remove them. The area around the CPU does not need to be perfectly clean, just make sure that the top of the CPU is clean.

Cleaning the CPU with a rag

What the CPU should look like before applying new thermal paste


Add a small line of thermal paste onto the length of the processor and a small dab in the center of the heatsink contact pad.

Adding thermal paste to the CPU

Putting thermal paste on the heatsink


Place the motherboard back into its spot in the console being careful to not damage any wires. Once it is secured in place, add the plastic piece and X shaped metal heatsink back onto the board and secure them with the 4 screws.

Lastly, secure the heatsink brace cover with its 8 screws.

Putting the motherboard back in its place

Placing the heatsink brace and plastic cover onto the motherboard

Securing the heatsink brace

Securing the heatsink brace cover onto the motherboard


10. Reinstall the Power Supply  

Before re installing the power supply, check to make sure that it is free of dust and cobwebs. Take the time to clean it thoroughly with a rag, tweezers, and compressed air if it is dirty.

Connect the small wire on the power supply into its spot on the motherboard. 

Inserting the new wire into the motherboard


Set the power supply in place and gently push down until you hear a click as it snaps in place. 

 Placing the power supply into the unit then gently pushing down


Reinstall the metal heat shield onto the bottom of the power supply and install the 5 T8 screws. 

Re installing the heat shield into the new power supply

Placing the 5 screws back into the top of the power supply


11. Finishing the Reassembly

Connect all of the cables back to the motherboard starting with the large ribbon cable that has the latch. Slide the rest of the ribbons and the fan connector into their spot. Make sure to lock the latch on the first cable by pushing it down flat until it clicks into place.

Reconnecting all of the ribbon cables


Place the metal heatsink over the motherboard and screw it into place being careful to not pinch any of the antenna wires that still need to be connected. 

There are 22 total screws holding this in place, start with the 11 Phillips screws.

Securing the metal heatsink with a few screws


Secure the 3 antenna wires into their places.

Re securing the antenna wires to the motherboard 

 The antenna wires all secured


Re insert the hard drive into its spot and install the screw that holds it in place.Re installing the hard drive


Reinstall the bottom plastic piece by setting it on the console a bit towards the front then slide it towards the back of the console while keeping the back part of the plastic elevated from the rest of the console. Once again, it might be helpful to see This Part in the Video

Sliding the bottom cover on from the front of the console to the back


Once the bottom shell is aligned vertically with the top shell, snap it into place until you hear a click on each corner and center of the back. 

Gently squeeze the two parts of the console together until you hear a click from each corner


Reinstall the 3 black screws into the back of the console. 

Reinstalling the 3 black screws at the back of the console


Reinstall the plastic hard drive slot cover on the back of the console. 

Reinstalling the hard drive slot cover at the back of the console 


Reinstall the top shell similarly to the bottom shell except you slide it forwards from the back of the console. After it is aligned, make sure all of the snap lock connectors are secured around the edge of the shell. 

Sliding the top cover into its place 


9. Get back to gaming 🕹 


If you have any questions in regards to this repair, feel free to shoot us an email or text and we will do our best to reply to you as quickly as possible. Please inquire using our Repair Catalog if you are wondering how much a certain repair will cost. If you do not see your item in our repair catalog, it means that we do not offer repair services for it. 


💬  360.362.1722

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